Rising Medicare Hospital


Visitors Policy

Ward Timings

12.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.


4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Visiting Hours For ICU'S

1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.


5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Visiting Hours for Patient Relatives

10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.


5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.


Children (Below 12 years) are not allowed as visitors in the hospital.
All patient visitors will be allowed access to In Patient floors only when carrying valid visitor passes.

Visitor's Purpose

We respect your relatives, friends and visitors visiting you during your hospitalization. While we encourage their visit, Rising Medicare Hospital has put restrictions and guidance for patient visitors in place at all of our care locations for your loved ones safety and well -being. We have limited the number of visitors that can visit you in a day, because too many visitors can cause overcrowding & discomfort to other patients in addition to increasing your risk of getting infection especially if they are sick. Visitor restrictions are subject to change. Please use the following restrictions and guidance until further notice to help safeguard our patients, associates, physicians, and communities.


1. Pediatric unit: Two parents/caregivers of pediatric patients (up to age 18); one parent or guardian for patients aged 19-26 allowed to stay with the patients.

2. Labour and delivery -One personal visitor or one professional support person in Labor & Delivery, including ante-partum and post-partum units.

3. Patients with disabilities may designate one support person to accompany, visit and stay with them in the hospital. A support person may be a family member, personal care assistant, similar disability service provider, or other individual knowledgeable about the management or care of the patient who is authorized to assist the patient in making decisions. This support person may stay outside of visiting hours to accommodate the patient’s disability as determined to be necessary and approved by clinical leadership. If a patient with disability does not have a support person present during the patient’s visit or stay, the patient may designate a support person with whom to communicate. Other reasonable accommodations for patients with disabilities may be approved by clinical leadership according to the needs of the patient, provided the accommodations comply with all infection prevention policies.

4. All visitors must be at least 18 years old, unless they are parents of pediatric patients.

5. Any exceptions to the visitor restrictions must be approved by the hospital authority or their designees.

6. Family, friends and loved ones are encouraged to use electronic devices and applications (apps) to connect with patients.

7. Patients and their relatives are expected to wear face masks(temporary policy), when clinically feasible and appropriate, throughout their hospitalization while
outside of patient rooms (e.g., radiology, hallway, during transport to procedure, etc.).

8. We allow 2 attendants in suite class and 1 attendant in all other classes to be with you in your room. In addition during visiting hours ( 12pm -2pm &     4pm-6 pm) one more relative can visit you.

9. While you are in ICU, your visitors can visit you with prior appointment with nurse-in- charge . This is done so that critical patient care is not affected.

10. We do not advise visits by children, below the age of 0-5yrs

11.Wheelchairs are available to visitors on request.

12. They may be asked to temporarily leave the ward for a ward round or for treatment totake place.

Visitor's Do's & Dont's:

  • Apart from the 24-hour visitor, not more than one visitor can visit a patient at a time.
  • Visitors should not visit if sick.
  • Should clean hands before and after visiting. Use alcohol rub /Sterillium provided in the room.
  • Should not smoke in the hospital or in the compound.
  • Should not take photographs or videos without prior authorization from patient and hospital.
  • Should comply with any infection control practices that may be important to the patient’s condition (e.g. wear isolation gown, mask, and/ or gloves)

Important Instructions:

Guidance for Visitors Permitted under the Covid-19 protocol Policy:

  • All visitors must check in from the basement and wear a face mask throughout the duration of their visit.Visitors are expected to bring their own face mask. If they do not have one, purchase it from the pharmacy.
  • All visitors will be screened at the security gate for flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, and will not be permitted if symptomatic.
  • Family members or friends of any visitors cannot enter the facility or wait in lobbies or common areas, including any/all areas of the hospital—lobbies, waiting areas, common spaces, chapels, cafeteria, food court, bank, and/or any other area within the care location.
  • One visitor is permitted to accompany a patient for an ambulatory visit (i.e., urgent care visit). This visitor will remain with the patient or in a designated waiting area.
  • All visitors must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms upon arrival.
  • All patients and visitors must wear a face mask throughout the duration of their visit.
  • Visitors are expected to bring their own face mask. If they do not have one, a non-procedural face mask will be provided.
  • No visitors are permitted in our cancer infusion locations due to increased risk to immuno compromised patients; visitors may wait in their cars or designated areas per instruction from treatment locations.
  • Patients are expected to wear face masks, when clinically feasible and appropriate, throughout the duration of their ambulatory visit.


We provide passes to visitors and attendants, the colors are as follows:

  • Pink color: Attendant Card (one who can stay over with the patient to attend to their needs)
  • Green Color: Visitor Card (one who visits only during the visiting hours and does not stay over in the hospital)

The visitor / attendant is expected to display the cards issued to them, while in the hospital.

  • These cards are issued from the Cash/Admission counter at the time of admission of the patient.
  • All the cards need to be returned before the discharge.


Our Presence

0 +
0 +
Complex Surgeries
0 +
Treated Patient
0 +

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