Rising Medicare Hospital

Quality Commitment

Quality Commitment

Rising Medicare Hospital, accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH)

Quality Commitment

Rising Medicare Hospital, accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH), is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality and safety. Guided by our mission and vision, our Office of Clinical Quality, under the leadership of the Executive Director, spearheads safety and quality programs across the hospital.

We set ourselves apart by engaging our healthcare professionals and collaborating with patients and their families in our pursuit of excellence. Fostering a culture of continuous quality improvement, we ensure a safe environment for our patients through various methodologies:

  • Development and enhancement of policies, procedures, and protocols
  • Adherence to ethical medical and nursing practices
  • Implementation of evidence-based medicine at the highest standard
  • Ensuring safe medication practices
  • Identification and prevention of errors
  • Regular performance reviews using well-defined key indicators
  • Upholding patient rights with respect and protection
  • Quantifying and measuring patient satisfaction
  • Stringent adherence to hospital infection control guidelines
  • Compliance with biomedical waste management rules
  • Open dialogues with patients and families to encourage active participation in the treatment process
  • Engaging patients and families in safety practices
  • Efficient resource utilization
  • Cost-effective management

Implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programs and monitoring antibiotic use
At Rising Medicare Hospital, our commitment extends beyond individual patients to the broader community. We pledge to deliver optimal care, continuously improving our practices based on evolving data, benchmarks, and best practices.

Our success as a healthcare institution hinges on the quality of care we provide to each patient. Our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, therapists, and staff is devoted to delivering safe, quality, and cost-effective care that maximizes potential and exceeds expectations.

Our Presence

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Complex Surgeries
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Treated Patient
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