General Medicine
"Navigating Health Challenges: Holistic and Personalized General Medicine Services at Rising Medicare"
General Medicine Hospital in Pune
Rising Medicare Hospital General Medicine physicians manage all aspects of adult patients’ general health care and provide seamless referrals to other Rising Medicare General specialists. This method of comprehensive care ensures you get the care you need.
Rising Medicare Hospital General Medicine practice focuses on:
- Comprehensive care for people with undefined symptoms — such as shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain, and back pain — who need help in diagnosing their illness
- Collaboration- which means we guide your care if you need the help of other specialist from Rising Medicare Hospital
- Preventive medicine care — such as mammograms, Pap smears, routine colon cancer screening evaluations, cholesterol screening, and blood pressure screening
- Comprehensive management of medical needs for hospitalized patients, including preoperative evaluation of medical risks before the surgery

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