Rising Medicare Hospital

Clinical Research

Clinical Research & Careers

"Advancing Healthcare Through Rigorous Exploration: Pioneering Clinical Research Initiatives at Rising Medicare"


Clinical Research is about finding the best way for patients to receive medical care. Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness (efficacy) of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use. These may be used for prevention, treatment, diagnosis or for relieving symptoms of a disease. Clinical research is different from clinical practice. In clinical practice established treatments are used, while clinical research evidence is collected to establish a treatment.

It is our desire that you enjoy this course, learn from it and gain experience from the internship programs which will give you a feel of working in a live setup. It is our aim that you will increase the pool of bright, enthusiastic and knowledgeable students who will enter the healthcare industry and make its future even brighter.



This Course is Best Suited for Freshers/Mid-Term career change/Better career Growth.


Offered twice a year.

This Course is Best Suited for Freshers/Mid-Term career change/Better career Growth.

Course Duration

Three / Six months.

This Course is Best Suited for Freshers/Mid-Term career change/Better career Growth.

Program Fees

Rs.  15,000+GST for 3 months online(Sunday Lecture)

Rs.  45,000+GST for 6 months offline(Sunday Lecture)

This Course is Best Suited for Freshers/Mid-Term career change/Better career Growth.

Course Outcomes

PG Diploma Clinical Research Courses in Pune is Awarded to candidates who take up Classroom.

Certification in Clinical Research is Awarded to candidates.

Exam Details

Course Details

Cacellation of Admission

Award of Certification

Exam Details

 Twice in a 6 Months Course

1st Term after 3 months (Written Exam)
2nd Term after 6 Months (Presentation + Written Exam)


Syllabus for PG Diploma in Clinical Research Module

Module 1: Introduction to clinical research

Module 2: Pharmacology and drug development Module

Module 3: Ethics and Guidelines in Clinical Research

Module 4: Regulation in Clinical Research

Module 5: Clinical Trial Management

Module 6: Clinical Data Management & Biostatistics

Module 7: Career Pathways in Clinical Research

Course Modules

Module 1 – Clinical Research

  1. Introduction to Clinical Research
  2. Terminologies and definition in Clinical Research
  3. Origin and History of Clinical Research Clip Research and Clinical Practice
  4. Difference between Cl
  5. Types of Clinical Research

Module 2: Pharmacology and drug development

  1. Introduction to Pharmacology
  2. The concept of Essential Drugs
  3. Routes of Drug Administration
  4. Introduction to Drug Discovery and Development
  5. Hurdles in Drug Development

Module 3: Ethical Considerations and Guideline in Clinical Research

  1. Historical guidelines in Clinical Research Nuremberg code Declaration of Helsinki Belmont report
  2. International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Brief history of ICH Structure of ICH ICH Harmonization Process
  3. Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice Glossary:- The Principles of ICH GCP Institutional Review Board / Independent Ethics Committee Investigator Sponsor Clinical Trial Protocol and Protocol Amendment(S) Investigator’s Brochure Essential Documents for the conduct of a Clinical Trial

  4. Self Assessment Questions

Module 4: Regulation in Clinical Research

  1.  Introduction of Clinical Trial Regulation
  2. European Medicine Agency
  3. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)
  4. Drug and cosmetic act
  5. Schedule Y

Module 5: Clinical Trial Management

  1. Project Management
  2. Protocol in Clinical Research
  3. Informed Consent
  4. Case Report Form
  5. Investigator’s Brochure (IB)

Module 6: Clinical Data Management

  1. Introduction to CDM
  2. CRF Design
  3. Clinical Data Entry
  4. Electronic Data Capture
  5. Data Validation

Why Rising Medicare Hospital

Best Coaching

Industry Oriented



Award and Certification

Certification is awarded to candidates only on successful completion of the course and after having paid all the dues with stipulated attendance.

Overall grades shall reflect on the final certificate as under:

Grade A – 85% and above
Grade B – 70-85%
Grade C – 50-70%
Grade D – Below 50% (Unsuccessful)

Only candidates who have duly filled in and signed the acknowledgement of the Code of Conduct in the Registration Form, and provided evidence that they meet the eligibility criteria shall be eligible to receive the final certificate. The management reserves the rights to change, delete, amend or modify its rules & regulations and schedules from time to time and this will be binding on all candidates currently enrolled in programs of an ongoing course. Rising Medicare reserves the right to make any updates to the programs through changes in title, methodology contents and structure.There may be changes in the schedule, postponement and cancellations of the sessions conducted in classes.

Cancellation of Admission

A candidate’s admission may be canceled if the candidate becomes a fee defaulter, or if it is found that evidence of compliance with eligibility criteria is false. In case of cancellation, a candidate is not eligible for a refund of installments already paid and shall not be marked for performance or issued a certificate.

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