Rising Medicare Hospital


Prior to or at the time of admission, we request you to make the required financial arrangements for your medical care at our hospital through insurance, a corporate tie-up, or an advance deposit.


If the patient has medical insurance and there is a plan, the admission patient has to submit the documents on 772000 2298 on this mediclaim contact number. List of documents :
Pan card
Aadhar card
Doctor's prescription and all previous investigation reports or if there is an emergency admission, in that case the patient has to submit all the above-said documents.

In both conditions, the patient has to pay a security deposit amount for non-mediclaim expenses.

For self paying patient without medical insurance, at the time of admission as per room category like ICU general ward semi-private deluxe room or super deluxe room, patient or the patient's relatives have  to pay :

for general ward 5000,
for semi-private Rs 10000
for deluxe 15000
for super deluxe 20000
for ICU approximately 25000 advance.

For corporate tie-ups, the first party has to send a proposal to corporate@thesrisingmedicare.com
then the hospital will initiate the procedure after a discussion of all norms.

Your services will be billed in accordance with our tarrifs. On request, you will receive an itemised statement of your account (this is not applicable for packages). You will receive interim bills, and are reFor corporate tie-up
For corporate tie-up first party have to send proposal on corporate@thesrising medicare.com
then Hospital Hospital will initiate the procedure after discussion of all normsquested to periodically replenish the advance amount.

You can pay your bill using with cash, pay orders, Demand Drafts, Debit/Credit Cards (Visa or MasterCard). The hospital does not accept cheques except for planned admissions where the cheque must be cleared before the admission.

Our Presence

0 +
0 +
Complex Surgeries
0 +
Treated Patient
0 +

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